Brief Introduction:
A notice is a message or announcement that provides information about something. It is the mean of a formal communication between the persons usually in written and digital form.
While the appeal is a request for a review or reconsideration of a decision/ judgement/ Order. It is usually made when someone believes that an error or injustice has occurred and wants the decision to be changed
FBR Notices Appeals :
Other than the regular filings of Statements and Returns Fbr from the time to time send notices to tax payer to;
File the certain statements
File the certain returns
To provide missing information
To show cause of any misdeclaration, Underdeclaration or Overdeclaration as per FBR
To Show cause of non-filing of certain statement or returns
To initiate the penalty/punishment proceedings against the tax payer
Further on Non filing of certain returns/statements or non-compliance/ no reply of any intial and follow up notice, FBR may pass an order/judgement against the tax payer.
Where tax payers finds itself aggrieved against the said order/judgement, it may appeal against such order/judgment to reach the true outcome of the situtaion
SECP related :
After the incorporation of the company by the SECP requires the company to follow to certain rules the regulations to run the affairs of the company.
These rules also updated from the time to time to incorporate any new requirement by Government or any related body.
Like the FBR, SECP also send notices from the time to time for a number of different reasons, like non filing of any previous statements or documents or to submit the documents as per the any new applied rules or show cause. There are also the show cause notices, which are sent to provide the opportunity to be heard before initiating any legal proceeding or passing an order/judgement.
Once the ample time as per law has been passed, the SECP may pass an order/judgement, which needs to be appealed with in a due time period after meeting a certain requirements.
Our Service related to Notices/Appeals :
Our expert helps to avoid any Adverse Oder or judgement by reply the notices along the strong building of your case.
If any order/judgement passed, Specialized Expert services are provided to appeal against order, reassessment of the Case and getting order in favor of the client.